- Are you a business professional needing to up-skill?
- Are you struggling to get a pay-rise and/or promotion?
- Are you a recent graduate with an empty looking resume and no job experience?
- Have you recently been laid off, fired or had a contract end?
If you answered 'yes' to any of the above then having “Expert Microsoft Office Skills” will get you closer to your goal of either landing your first job, a new job or progressing further in your current role. Here's why.
The job market has never been more volatile. Statistically, people are changing jobs more often now than they ever have before and that also means people are also losing jobs to newcomers who are far more skilled. So if you’re not up-skilling, you’re falling behind. It’s scary I know. I’ve experienced this myself.
A study released by Microsoft and the IDC showed that among 14.6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. Microsoft Office proficiency ranked higher than Project Management skills, Sales Experience, Time Management, Analytical Skills, Interpersonal Skills and Work Ethics.
This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlers who process data faster, are more data-organised and can communicate effectively via digital channels. These are skills everyone should have no matter the discipline because they are transferable skills. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term. This brings us back to Microsoft Office. It is the oldest, most well-known, most affordable and most trusted data management tool available and hence everyone uses it. So to be noticed and taken seriously in your job or job application, proficiency in these programs is compulsory.
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